Remember our friend Tim?

**And in just 22 minute, we came together to raise a FULL THREE WEEKS! Thank you forever!

Remember our friend Tim?

He called today to pass on some great news. After 2 months in rehab, he is moving into a sober living house through the Salvation Army, one week from today.

Like most sober living homes, rent is involved. This is the time in recovery when people are expected to return to the workforce, pay rent and take on other responsibilities.

He will start job hunting next week. Then we have to give him some leeway until he receives his first paycheck.

Rent is a reasonable $120 per week. We are hoping to raise $360, or his first three weeks.

If you have it in your heart to help, or via our website at is easiest for us.

Became everyone deserves a second chance, even if it's the 10th second chance, right?

Tim has done the hard work and we are so darn proud of him. Let's shower him with love.

Jamie Viravec