Our 7th Share the Loaf Thursday
Our 7th Share the Loaf Thursday!
We identified 16 individuals and families who could use a bit of love, and sent some their way.
This week each bag contains:
Instant potatoes
Can of soup
Can of fruit
Can of veggies
Can of chicken or tuna
Box of mac and cheese
Bag of microwave popcorn
2 hot chocolate packets
Packet of oatmeal
And a fresh loaf of bread (bread donated by our friends at Jewel)
Very special thanks to Tim, Isabel and mom, and Tom for taking care of the deliveries for us.
Can YOU help next Thursday at 4pm? Let us know!
We still have 4 spots available for next week, so if you know of a neighbor in true need, please let us know.
Together we will do great things! Why? #becauseeveryoneneedshelpsometimes